The Best WordPress Speed Optimization Service

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best wordpress speed optimization service

When searching for the ideal WordPress speed optimization service, seek a company with a guarantee on their work to avoid losing money on subpar optimization jobs that ultimately harm your site.

WP Speed Fix specializes in optimizing websites for eCommerce stores by employing various optimizations to reduce loading times and enhance user experience. These include installing CDNs, optimizing cache settings, and code optimization services.

WP Faster

WP Faster stands out among WordPress speed optimization services as it specializes in fixing real issues that slow websites. While other companies install plugins to fool speed test tools into thinking their site is faster, WP Faster provides fixes which actually speed up your site – this can make a noticeable difference to its load time.

This company provides various packages and services, including website analysis, performance reports and ongoing maintenance services. In addition, their team of experts provide web design/development/WooCommerce support.

WP Faster not only offers speed optimization services, but they can also assist in optimizing user experience (UX). They utilize various techniques – including optimizing styles and scripts in terms of order as well as eliminating render-blocking resources – as well as using content delivery networks (CDN) to reduce latency and deliver pages quickly.

WP Johnny

Jonny is a top-rated WordPress speed optimization service with over 10 years of experience, helping WordPress sites achieve optimal performance by reaching 100% scores in popular page speed tests. Additionally, they provide services ranging from page builder removal and Gutenberg conversion conversion as well as custom code optimization to maximize speed optimization results.

He employs a straightforward approach, manually optimizing code rather than relying on plugins or hacks. He helps his clients select appropriate web hosting and CDN solutions for maximum performance, as well as recommends HTTP/2’s parallelization and speed improvements as best practices.

Seahawk Media stands out from other WordPress website optimization services by offering a full suite of services ranging from site audits and speed consultations, through maintenance and SEO to monthly packages that include everything they offer – making it easier than ever for your site to stay running fast and prevent it from slowing down over time.

Web FX

Web FX offers website optimization services designed to increase performance of any website, such as fixing WordPress issues and identifying and uninstalling unnecessary plugins; setting up CDN services; minifying files; as well as offering ongoing maintenance and security monitoring services.

Contrary to many of the services on this list, this company provides both hourly and monthly packages – something which may come in handy if your website is large enough. As well as speed optimization services, they also offer content marketing, SEO optimization and web design.

Clients of Web FX have seen impressive increases in contact forms and conversion rates as a result of working with Web FX, along with faster load times on their website. Their team is knowledgeable and friendly, and understands the significance of having a quick site.

Online Media Masters

Online Media Masters offers an authentic WordPress speed optimization service designed to increase website performance for its clients. Their service provides a host of features designed specifically for high traffic websites. Furthermore, the service also helps attract new visitors while increasing conversions while optimizing a page to load within two seconds – perfect for businesses!

This service provides a comprehensive package that includes site speed testing, page load speed improvements, and reporting the results of those improvements. Furthermore, this service addresses problems which cause slowness on websites such as improper plugins and code that is outdated.

Service available to websites of all types; includes image optimization using Webp format, server-side CDN setup, JavaScript and CSS minification, browser caching and Gzip compression. Also includes lazy-loading plugin that reduces load times by loading pictures or videos only when visible to visitors.

WP Buffs

WP Buffs is an outstanding WordPress website maintenance service with excellent reviews on TrustPilot and G2. Their remote employees cover all time zones to assist with site maintenance at any hour of day or night, no matter where in the world you may be located. They also offer monthly service plans to ensure that your website stays up-to-date and running efficiently; ongoing support will help to maintain an efficient experience for visitors.

Minifying and compressing CSS files as well as shrinking image file sizes are among the many tools they utilize to speed up websites, while deferring render-blocking resources helps the visual elements load faster – they are the perfect solution for those taking their site’s performance seriously.

They offer several plans, with their entry-level “Maintain” plan beginning at $67/month or $56 when paid annually – this covers weekly reports, site updates, 24-7 uptime monitoring and integration of Google Analytics into the service.

WP Supporters

WordPress Supporters offer various services for non-technical website owners looking to speed up their sites. Their flagship service, site-wide speed optimization, has been shown to reduce page load times by up to 40%! They also provide monthly maintenance contracts in order to keep everything running smoothly on your site.

Other features to boost its performance include reconnect, DNS prefetch, local Google Analytics script hosting and image compression. In addition, it can replace YouTube iFrames with preview thumbnails and enable lazy load for post images – plus cache HTML/JS files for mobile users!

WordPress Supporters is an excellent solution for businesses that wish to optimize their websites for performance. Their team of experts will ensure your site loads quickly and performs well in search engines, monitor potential issues promptly, answer all inquiries promptly and maximize actual load times as effectively as possible.


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The Best WordPress Speed Optimization Service

WP Speed Fix provides tailored solutions based on the real-world performance of your website, optimizing core web vitals, database speed performance, CDN setup/optimization, compression of