Website designers tend to prioritize striking page elements; however, in 2024 they’re also emphasizing less-than-attentive areas such as footers and hero sections for added visual interest.
Horizontal Scrolling
Swiping gestures on mobile devices make horizontal scrolling an intuitive way of browsing websites, which explains why responsive or mobile-first design has gained such widespread support among designers. It provides a simple solution to creating websites with uniform user experiences across devices that mimic that of desktop devices more closely.
Horizontal scrolling doesn’t work as effectively on desktop devices, as users may not be used to using it and may find it challenging. To combat this issue, directional cues that show visitors how to scroll or swipe your site such as adding arrows or text such as “click here, scroll down, see more” can help guide their navigation experience.
Horizontal scrolling can also be an effective use of horizontal scrolling when used for photo galleries. This allows designers to add more visual content without disrupting the overall design of their site, such as clothing brand Paloma Wool and photographer Thom Garcin’s website which features stunning photographs that steal the show.
Bare-bones brutalism is a web design trend with minimal elements and no unnecessary clutter, ideal for minimalist sites that want to stand out and emphasize their core message. You can incorporate this style by employing sans serif fonts, asymmetrical layouts and placing an emphasis on content over visuals.
Brutalism is a website design trend that emphasizes function over form. Instead of using overly polished graphics to communicate a business’s message and motivate site visitors, brutalism uses blunt and honest images instead to convey this. This bold style often serves as an alternative hero image; pairing this trend with minimalist fonts further gives its pages an unmistakable look.
2024 website design trends emphasize standing out from the competition. Minimalist sites with unique, interactive microinteractions are an effective way to engage users and entice them to take action – for instance a hover-triggered animation could highlight certain parts of an image or reveal additional information – thus making this trend particularly suitable for businesses that must communicate complex ideas quickly and concisely.
The hero image is an essential website element that draws viewers in, drawing their focus towards your site and captivating their interest. But designers are now experimenting with using extra-large typography instead, providing pages with an artistic feel reflective of a business’s individuality and culture – Melyssa Griffin’s website cleverly interlaces images and text boxes for an inviting scrapbook-esque environment, using this design approach with bold color palettes for additional visual impact.
Cinemagraphs are an engaging combination of photography and video that combine subtle movement with lifelike video footage to produce mesmerizing gifs that capture audiences for extended periods. Cinemagraphs help hold viewers’ attention for longer, which leads to increased engagement. Businesses who implement cinemagraphs into their marketing plans often experience higher click rates, longer session times on websites/apps, and increased social media posts engagement rates.
Cinemagraphy is an innovative new way to keep audiences on your website or app for longer than traditional images and videos can do. Cinemagraphs use infinitely looping motion graphics that add an artistic flourish while providing a relaxing, immersive user experience. Cinemagraphs can also serve as an effective way of showcasing products, services or events on websites and apps.
Many designers are also adding movement to their websites this year, using techniques such as animations, redesigned hero images or even larger typography to bring their websites alive with movement. 2024 web design trends may even include sophisticated visuals that set your site apart from competitors.
One effective way of adding movement and interest to your website is through cursor-triggered animation. This technique can be used to animate simple text or display short animations when visitors hover over elements. Furthermore, cursor-triggered animation can even animate its shape for an engaging visitor experience.
Gradients offer more than eye-catching visuals; they also add depth and can subtly highlight important elements. Use gradients as image styles or text backgrounds, this design trend will grab people’s attention and help your website stand out from the competition.
Sans serif fonts have long been the go-to choice of designers due to their flexibility and ability to scale up or down on screens, but many are beginning to tire of this flat, minimalist approach. Expect more websites adopting bold, swoopy typography that matches their brands’ energy.
Julie Bonnemoy’s freelance design portfolio employs an eye-catching iridescent gradient as its hero graphic, which vibrates to the beat of music being played on the page. This technique creates an engaging site that doesn’t feel intimidating or serious at all.
Kinetic typography, another trendy web design style that engages visitors, allows visitors to connect with a brand and engage with its content. Companies like Honest Tea use gradients to bring their logos to life while creating a captivating animated hero element on their homepages – an effect which is simple and quick to implement while looking great across both desktop and mobile devices.