The Difference Between Web Design and Website Development

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website development

Website development involves many processes and skills. Website design and development work together to craft sites that are both visually appealing to visitors and functional in terms of functionality.

Web designers rely on HTML and CSS coding languages, for instance to make quick changes like changing a button’s color by editing just one file with CSS.


Website design is all about providing visitors with an exceptional experience on a website, from its look and feel, navigation, usability and responsiveness across different devices, through to content that resonates with both business and audience. Web designers focus on crafting relevant and interesting pieces for these sites in order to retain visitors and ensure they return over time.

Web designers rely on HTML and CSS coding software to design websites. These languages contain all of the information about a site such as layout, font size and colors; web designers can add elements such as navigation menus, photos or text to give their creation its unique identity.

Another aspect of website design involves deciding the functionality the site will contain, such as adding contact forms or social media buttons; search functions may also help visitors quickly locate what they need. Sites can be built using either static or dynamic styles – the latter allows multimedia elements and interactive functionality.

Website headers provide an ideal place to display company names, logos and contact details. Headers may be designed as fixed size displays or with the ability to adjust automatically based on screen resolution – for instance using responsive design techniques with grid systems such as responsive grids.


Planning is essential when it comes to website development. The planning stage provides you with a foundation upon which to construct your future project, including its goals, target audience and best technology stack for it. Furthermore, during this phase you can utilize various project management tools in order to track tasks, workflow and project schedules more effectively.

Once your website design has been finalized, the next step in its creation is coding. This step, commonly referred to as front end development, involves turning its framework into working software utilizing languages such as JavaScript, CSS or HTML as framework for its content.

Testing your website before launch is an essential component of its development, as it can have significant ramifications on both its performance and search engine rankings. Furthermore, pre-testing may help prevent errors from appearing live – leading to increased ROI potential and enhanced customer experiences.

An integral component of this step is setting up the database, which involves creating tables and assigning values. Furthermore, setting up your security for your website as well as making sure it can support different browsers and platforms is key here.


Website development involves many different skills and responsibilities to operate successfully, and to make sure the final result meets its goal it is vital that testing be performed prior to going live. Testing involves comparing actual results against expected ones while recording defects using test cases created during earlier steps of development. Once all tests are complete and your website is ready for launch!

Testing is an integral component of web development, and there are various kinds of tests that can be undertaken during its process. Common techniques for performing testing include regression testing, white box testing and black box testing. Regression testing should be performed after every change is made to code to ensure no new errors or bugs have been introduced by changes made during development; white box testing involves being conducted by developers before software releases to customers allowing for increased trust between developer and testers.

There is a vast variety of websites, each serving their own specific function and goal. Examples include social media sites, online stores and news publications. Individuals such as artists or photographers often utilize the internet as a showcase of their work through personal websites or portfolios hosted online.


Websites are more than a business necessity; they’re also one of the most powerful marketing tools any organization can rely on. A well-designed site can increase brand recognition and sales, as well as help customers locate what they’re searching for quickly. But building one to meet your goals requires time, effort, knowledge of best practices, as well as knowing when it comes to web design versus development collaboration to produce something reflective of your brand’s image.

Web development refers to all tasks involved with designing websites for hosting on either an intranet or internet, including content development, client-side and server-side scripting, network security configuration and CMS development. Web developers are professionals skilled at these tasks who are equipped to deliver results tailored to meet the requirements of their clients.

Front-end web developers specialize in visuals while back-end developers specialize in programming the back end. Front-end developers use programs such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript to develop the visual aspects of websites while running them through browsers for viewers to see them.

Back-end of a website comprises its database and application that runs it. Here is where information gets stored when users login or submit data; PHP or Python programming languages such as this help back-end developers manage data processing on these websites as they set up connections among database, app and server.


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